Wave Aluminum Spinner Stylus Pen
#JAE Laser

Production Time: 5 Working Days
100 $1.92 each
500 $1.82 each
1000 $1.72 each
2500 $1.65 each
Designed for both function and fun, the Wave Aluminum Spinner Stylus Pen features a retractable aluminum barrel with a soft-touch rubber-painted finish for a comfortable grip. The unique rotating fixture on top allows the pen to spin effortlessly with a simple push of the thumb, offering an engaging fidget experience. The spinner section, made of ABS plastic, is textured with a chevron pattern and finished in metallic paint for added flair.

Normal Production Time
5 Working Days

Product Size
5.83" (w) x 0.43" (Dia)

0.04 lbs

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